Force & Motion

Force and Motion

 What you need to know:  Benchmark Checklist
 The motion of an object can be described by its position, direction of motion, and speed.  SC.C.1.3.1 
 Vibrations in materials set up wave disturbances that spread away from the source (e.g., sound and earthquake waves).  SC.C.1.3.2 
 Many forces (e.g., gravitational, electrical, and magnetic) act at a distance (i.e., without contact).  SC.C.2.3.1 
 Common contact forces.  SC.C.2.3.2 
  If more than one force acts on an object, then the forces can reinforce or cancel each other, depending on their direction and magnitude. SC.C.2.3.3 
 The student knows that simple machines can be used to change the direction or size of a force.  SC.C.2.3.4 
 The student understands that an object in motion will continue at a constant speed and in a straight line until acted upon by a force and that an object at rest will remain at rest until acted upon by a force.  SC.C.2.3.5 
 The student explains and shows the ways in which a net force (i.e., the sum of all acting forces) can act on an object (e.g., speeding up an object traveling in the same direction as the net force, slowing down an object traveling in the direction opposite of the net force).  SC.C.2.3.6 AA 
 The student knows that gravity is a universal force that every mass exerts on every other mass.  SC.C.2.3.7  

Bold = Expect questions on this EVERY year!